A Forever Family Through Catholic Charities
Jessica was feeling scared and unprepared when she discovered she was pregnant. The father was no longer in her life. “She thought she was going to go through this alone,” recalls Jen, Catholic Charities’ Director of Child Welfare Services who served as Jessica’s case manager.
Jessica was in her mid-30s and had several complicating health conditions that could lead to a high-risk pregnancy. One week before her due date, a social worker at a Milwaukee area hospital referred Jessica to Catholic Charities for Pregnancy Support Services. Jessica and Jen scheduled a day to meet within a week. Plans quickly changed. Jessica’s baby was on his way.
The first time they met, Jen was helping Jessica check in at the hospital. Jen stayed with Jessica until minutes before an emergency C-Section was underway. Through it all, the baby was Jessica’s No. 1 priority. The words “best interest” were said over and over. Every decision was made in the best interest of the baby. Above all, Jessica wanted to make sure her son would have a supportive and safe two-parent household.

That’s when Anna and Brian came in. As a loving couple who always wanted to be parents, they felt like God led them to adoption — and thus to Catholic Charities.
A week after the baby was born, Jessica met with two couples who were waiting to adopt. Jessica was making the most loving decision for her baby, choosing his future family.
Jessica chose Anna and Brian to be her son’s parents.
After his birth in May of 2022, the baby boy, who Jessica had been calling Beau, remained in the NICU for nearly a month. Throughout that time, he was almost never alone. During the day, Anna and Brian stayed by his side. By night, Jessica would spend hours holding him. Anna and Jessica exchanged text messages continuously.
Soon after, baby Beau went home with Anna and Brian. Jen helped Jessica through the legal process of terminating her parental rights. Catholic Charities Adoption Social Worker, Abby, visited monthly with Anna, Brian, and the baby to ensure he was adjusting well and meeting his milestones, and he was!
After six months, the adoption was finalized in court. Anna and Brian gave their son the name John Beau.