Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc.

Mac and Amy


Family Information


First Name: Mac & Amy

Ethnicity: Biracial and Caucasian

Number of Years Married: 3.5

Number of Children: 0

Occupations: College Admission Counselor and Veterinarian

Type of Community: Suburb

Pets: 2 dogs (Ringo and Finnegan), 4 cats (Howard, Leonard, Penny, Selina), and 1 reptile (Elanor)

Favorite Family Pastimes: 

  • Quality time with friends and family
  • Traveling
  • Road trips with the dogs
  • Being outside
  • Cooking
  • Celebrating different holidays

Activities we are excited to do with our child(ren): We are so excited to create lifelong memories with our child(ren) through meaningful and fun experiences, such as nature walks with the dogs, vacations, camping, museums, and more. Most importantly, we are eager to celebrate every milestone—big and small—while providing a loving and supportive home filled with laughter, learning, and endless love.

What we are most looking forward to about adding to our family: We are most looking forward to the love, joy, and connection that will come with adding to our family. The opportunity to share our lives, traditions, and experiences with our adopted child(ren) fills us with excitement and anticipation. More than anything, we look forward to embracing them as they are, supporting their dreams, and giving them a lifetime of unconditional love and family.

Food Sushi, Italian & Mexican Italian
Animal Sea otter & sea turtle Sharks
Season Spring Summer & Fall
Hobby Gardening Home projects & being outdoors
Color Blue Navy blue
Book Harry Potter series Band of Brothers
TV Show New Girl & Big Bang Theory The Office & Psych
Sports Packers & Badgers College football & basketball
Holiday Christmas Christmas
Vacation  Tropical beach Up North

For more information about Amy and Mac, please contact Catholic Charities at 414.771.2881 or


Catholic Charities


Mailing Address:
PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

Delivery Address:
3501 S. Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235


Serving our neighbors in need in Dodge, Fond du Lac, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha Counties.



Office Locations and Phone Numbers


©2022 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc.