Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc.

Impact Stories: Outreach and Case Management

Meet Claudia


When Claudia moved to southeastern Wisconsin with her husband and their five-year-old daughter, she was pregnant with her second child. Immersed in an unfamiliar place, a different culture, and a drastically different way of life, Claudia didn’t know who to turn to for help. The family had no insurance and had not visited a doctor’s office during her pregnancy. Claudia and her husband were uneasy. “Where will we go when it’s time for the baby to come?” they thought.

She was referred to Nancy, a bilingual Outreach Case Manager at Catholic Charities. Although it was difficult to talk about her situation, it helped Claudia to speak with someone in her own language who listened to her story. First, Nancy began helping her find insurance coverage. Nancy and Claudia visited a clinic in the area that week and scheduled an appointment for the following Monday. During her appointment, to Claudia’s surprise, the doctor said it would soon be time for her baby to be born.

That night at the hospital, her son Hugo was born.

In the months following Hugo’s birth, Nancy continued supporting Claudia and her family. Catholic Charities provided baby clothes, a stroller, and other supplies. She is tremendously grateful for Nancy and Catholic Charities for the compassionate care and help she received.

Meet Juliana


Moving to a new country can be isolating and overwhelming when you have little support and a language barrier. With few belongings, Juliana moved to the Sheboygan area with hope for opportunity and happiness for her and her four children. When personal tragedy struck, she found help from a local shelter where she was referred to Catholic Charities for additional assistance. Juliana spoke with Clarita, one of our bilingual case managers. Although it was difficult to talk about her situation, it helped Juliana to have someone who could speak her language to help her express what she needed.

From the start Catholic Charities acquired needed supplies, blankets, Christmas gifts for the children, and gas cards to get to and from work. Juliana continued to meet with Clarita who helped her identify goals and take steps that would help her, and her children find safety and stability. Over time, Juliana has taken control of her family, secured a new job, registered her youngest for daycare, and her oldest is finishing their first year of college. Juliana and Clarita find moments to reflect on her long journey, the troubles she has overcome and the strength and happiness she now exudes. Clarita says, “it’s great to see her success.”


Meet Robert


Robert found himself making more and more visits to the hospital for emergency care. His heart problem and other disabilities that he managed everyday were getting worse. He was referred to Catholic Charities by his doctor when it became evident that his financial and living situations were putting his health at further risk. He was sleeping on the floor which put a strain on his heart each morning. Catholic Charities’ outreach case manager, Tedricka, worked to find solutions to Robert’s most immediate needs. Tedricka helped his family make a plan to improve Robert’s health and access a bed, food, and safer living environment. “These weren’t hard things to fix, but they affected his health so greatly,” Tedricka recalled. To Robert’s family, a bed meant more than a comfortable place to sleep. It meant the possibility of many more years of good health for their grandfather, peace of mind, and a strong beginning to each day.


Meet Candi


Life circumstances left Candi without a home. An independent and resourceful woman, she began looking for a shelter. Candi could find no openings at any of the local shelters and called our Milwaukee Catholic Charities’ office on a Friday afternoon looking for help. Our case manager took time to listen to Candi. With shelters filled, Candi and our case manager worked together to find a place for her to stay for the weekend. On Monday morning, our case manager called Candi to check on her and offer additional assistance. They talked about resources, options for long-term housing, and later found rent assistance help.

Shortly after, Candi found herself in an abusive relationship and turned to Catholic Charities again. Our case manager visited her regularly where she was receiving care. When Candi was ready to look for housing, Catholic Charities helped her get established in her new apartment. Now enjoying the safety and stability of home, Candi says that her case manager is always a resource, “She is my person, my angel. She’s been helping me ever since I came to Catholic Charities.”


Meet Josephina


Josephina’s husband died several years ago in a traffic accident leaving her to raise their five children on her own. When she was in need of support and resources, she turned to Catholic Charities. Our bilingual Case Manager has been working with her over the past year to connect her with resources for clothing, food, help with translating at medical appointments, as well as meeting with school and other community agencies. Josephina often felt overwhelmed about her husband’s death and raising her family on her own, but she knew that our Case Manager was there to help her and provide support. Josephina and her family are now living with more stability and are hopeful for the future!


Meet Bea


Bea and her husband arrived in Wisconsin with nothing but the clothes on their backs. As the political and economic environment of Venezuela worsened, they were awarded visas and entered the country as asylees. Arriving seven months pregnant, Bea was fearful that she would not have a successful pregnancy. “I didn’t know where to start,” she confided in her case manager. Through Catholic Charities, Bea and her husband were connected with local community organizations that provided pregnancy resources and household necessities. Bea and her husband felt comfortable with their case manager, knowing that no matter the obstacle, they would work through it together. By the time Bea delivered her son, they had a safe place to bring baby home and a support system of family, friends, community and Catholic Charities.


Meet Brigida


  Brigida is a single mother who works hard to provide for her children while inspiring them to stay motivated so they all might find easier days on the road ahead. When Brigida contacted Catholic Charities, she was suffering from multiple health issues, raising her two children, and working whenever possible.

              The Coronavirus Pandemic left the family struggling financially and with the fear that the situation would only worsen, she reached out to us for help. When she reached out, Brigida was in need of food, money, help to create a plan to better her financial situation, and resources that might get her through these difficult times. Brigida was connected with Laura, an Outreach Case Manager who listened to her immediate needs and found solutions to help. Laura was able to provide her with financial aid that could be used to pay bills, buy food, or provide necessities for her and her children. Laura also helped Brigida enroll at a community clinic, so she was able to get the medical care that she needed, which eased some of the concerns for her own health and safety through the COVID-19 outbreak. She also helped her create a plan to better her financial situation and ultimately become independent from the program.

             Brigida says Catholic Charities provided her with services that were “lifesaving at a very rough time, when my kids and I were most in need.” Despite her recent hardships, Brigida was able to continue to provide constant support and care for her children, while inspiring them to do well in school and set goals for their futures so they will not struggle in the way their mother has.


Meet Costanza

Overcome with financial burdens, Costanza called our Outreach program for help. She was working part-time, recently separated from her husband, and felt emotionally drained. In her first meeting with the case manager, Costanza revealed her history of abuse.

With her case manager’s help, they developed a plan for recovery. They set an appointment with a Catholic Charities’ bilingual therapist to work through past trauma. The case manager provided a list of food and clothing pantries, helped Costanza apply for energy assistance, set up doctor appointments, and registered for a pharmacy discount card. She also helped Costanza search and apply for full-time employment.

Today, Costanza has a new job with good benefits and is living independently and hopeful.


Catholic Charities

Mailing Address: PO Box 070912
                            Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

Delivery Address: 3501 S. Lake Drive
                             St. Francis, WI 53235

Office Locations and Phone Numbers

Serving our neighbors in need in Dodge, Fond du Lac, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha Counties.


©2022 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc.